Thursday, November 17, 2011

La semana décima-Las cosas de la clase

We reviewed more "cosas de la clase". We did this by playing "La mochila" game, where students followed commands in Spanish to "ponga" (put) or "saca" (take out) items from a backpack, including school supplies, such as: la regla (ruler), la pluma (pen), el lápiz (pencil), el papel (paper), la carpeta (folder), el borrador (eraser), and el cuaderno (notebook). Students in grades K-2 colored worksheets that have school supplies and their names in Spanish on them. Students in grades 3-5 wrote down verbs that correspond with the school supply, such as la pluma y escribir (pen and to write), and borrador y borrar (eraser and to erase).

La semana novena- Las cosas de la clase Bingo

We played Bingo this week to review las cosas de la clase (things in the classroom). We also have been reviewing greetings by playing the "Pasa, Pavo, Yum!" game. We play the game by passing around a paper pavo (turkey) while saying, "pasa, pavo, yum". When the teacher says "alta!" (stop), whe asks the student with the pavo a question, such as "¿Comó te llamas?", "¿Comó estás?", or "¿Cuál es tu color preferido?". It helps us practicing our conversational Spanish.

La semana octava- El día de los muertos

This week, we learned about "El día de los muertos", which is Day of the Dead in English. It is a holiday in Mexico, where they celebrate the lives of those they love. We made paper muñecas (dolls) to celebrate, and learned more about the country of Mexico.

La semana séptima-Las cosas de la clase

This week we took a quiz on greetings, and started learning "las cosas de la clase" (things of the classroom). So, here some things to remember:
-el lápiz-pencil
-la pluma-pen
-el papel-paper
-la goma-glue
-el borrador-eraser
-las tijeras-scissors
-la regla-ruler
-la carpeta-folder
-el cuaderno-notebook
-la mochila-backpack/book bag
-el/la maestro/a-teacher
-el/la estudiante-student

Cultural Focus: Costa Rica

Each month, we study a Spanish speaking country. We studied Costa Rica. We learned a lot about their unique culture, including dance and music. We watched some traditional Costa Rican dance, and learned how to dance bachata style to music by Prince Royce, a popular Latin American music artist.

Saludos!-la semana quinta

We reviewed greetings this week with our flashcards. Remember:

-Buenos días- good morning
-Buenas tardes-good afternoon
-Buenas noches- good night
-¿Comó te llamas?-What's your name?
-¿Comó estás?- How are you?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Buenos dias!-la semana cuarta

To say, hello, you all know "hola" really well, but it's more common in Latin America to hear:

-Buenos dias-good morning
-Buenas tardes- good afternoon
-Buenas noches- good night.

Buenas tardes!

-Maestra Piercy :)